Title: Microsoft Security Update Releases
Issued: May 16, 2017
The following CVEs have undergone a major revision increment.
* CVE-2017-0254
* CVE-2017-0264
* CVE-2017-0265
Revision Information:
- Title: CVE-2017-0254 | Microsoft Office Memory Corruption
- Reason for Revision: CVE information revised to announce the
availability of the 14.7.4 update for Microsoft Office for Mac
2011 (3212221) and the 15.33.0 update for Microsoft Office
2016 for Mac. Customers running affected Mac software should
install the appropriate update for their product to be protected
from the vulnerability discussed in this CVE. Customers running
other Microsoft Office software do not need to take any action.
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3212221 and Release notes
for Office 2016 for Mac for more information and download links.
- Originally posted: May 9, 2017
- Updated: May 16, 2017
- CVE Severity Rating: Important
- Version: 2.0
- Title: CVE-2017-0264 | Microsoft Office Memory Corruption
- Reason for Revision: CVE information revised to announce the
availability of the 14.7.4 update for Microsoft Office for Mac
2011 (3212221). Customers running affected Mac software should
install the appropriate update for their product to be protected
from the vulnerability discussed in this CVE. Customers running
other Microsoft Office software do not need to take any action.
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3212221 for more information
and download links.
- Originally posted: May 9, 2017
- Updated: May 16, 2017
- CVE Severity Rating: Important
- Version: 2.0
- Title: CVE-2017-0265 | Microsoft Office Memory Corruption
- Reason for Revision: CVE information revised to announce the
availability of the 14.7.4 update for Microsoft Office for Mac
2011 (3212221). Customers running affected Mac software should
install the appropriate update for their product to be protected
from the vulnerability discussed in this CVE. Customers running
other Microsoft Office software do not need to take any action.
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3212221 for more information
and download links.
- Originally posted: May 9, 2017
- Updated: May 16, 2017
- CVE Severity Rating: Important
- Version: 2.0